
About Me

Eleutheromania is the irresistible craving for freedom. 

My name is Briana. I am 25 years old. I love Jesus Christ. I also love all things red velvet (specifically, cake), babies, and I truly enjoy traveling. The meaning behind the name of my blog is this: ...sometimes I feel trapped in my own body because there is so much I want to do and experience but I am prevented from doing so because of the constraints of time, money, obligation, responsibility, etc. In every essence of the word, I long for freedom. I hope to one day be free in the way I desire to be and until then, I will continue my never-ending journey to discovering my purpose and unfolding the plans God has for my life. 

In the meantime, I want to share my experiences and my dreams with you. Like many, I have a huge fear of public-speaking, no matter how big or small my audience. However, I have always wanted an outlet to share with the world, all that I have learned on my journey thus far. With this blog, I hope to provide you, the reader, an escape away from the hustle and bustle of your every day routine.  This an invitation to take the time to connect with my words; allow yourself to get lost in my stories and posts. I am going to be brutally honest and share pieces of my heart with you. I pray that you learn something from the time you spend here. 


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